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Llanharan Community Council  sets aside a sum of money each year for general grants which can be applied for by local organisations for projects which will be of benefit to residents within the community of  Llanharan.

(Not to be confused with CIL Grants for infrastructure).

The Council can make grants to local groups provided it has a statutory power of duty to facilitate the activity for which the grant is intended.

If no statutory power or duty exists then the Council may make grants in any case up to an annual limit if it believes the grant is in  the interest of the community. In these cases the grants are made under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972.

Section 137(1) of the 1972 Act permits each Community or Town Council to incur expenditure for purposes for which it has no other specific powers if the Council considers that the expenditure is in the interests of, and will bring direct benefit to, the area or any part of it, or all or some of its inhabitants, providing that the benefit is commensurate with the expenditure incurred.

The annual expenditure must not exceed the total electorate multiplied by the annual statutory limit per elector.

The annual statutory limit for 2024/2025 is £10.81.

The electorate for 2024/2025 is 6932 (At April 2024)

The statutory annual expenditure limit for 2024/2025 is £74,934

The amount set aside for normal General Grant Applications in 2024/25 is £10,000.

Section 137 monies cannot be spent on an individual.  For example, a scout may ask the Council for financial help to enable them to travel abroad on an exchange visit.  Worthy as this may be, the Council cannot agree because the statute states that S137 monies must benefit some or all of its inhabitants.  However, if a request came from the Scout Leader for the whole troop to travel abroad on an exchange visit, the Council could consider a grant for the whole group as this would then be benefiting some of its inhabitant

The Community Council’s awards are open to established voluntary or community groups, as well as new or informal community groups who are or intend by the date of application to become formally constituted.

See the Council’s general grant policy.


See the Council’s general grant policy.


See the Council’s general grant policy. .


The Community Council considers applications on a bi-annual basis at its Audit Committee meetings in July
and January.

All applications should be sent to the Clerk by the last day of June and by a date specified in mid December.

Only fully and properly completed application forms received by these dates will be considered at the meeting. Awards will not exceed the agreed annual budget unless the Community Council agrees to make an award under exceptional circumstances.

All groups will be treated equally. If an organisation has had a grant previously, they are not guaranteed to receive financial support again, but are not excluded from applying again in a different financial year. A fresh application will be required each time.

All applications will be considered after the closing date. Decisions will be made by Llanharan Community Council with its decision being final.

Unfortunately the Community Council may not be able to fund all projects as there may be more applications than there is money available.

However, all applications will be considered carefully. Due account will be taken of the extent to which funding has been sought or secured from other sources or the applicant’s own fund-raising activities.

Applications should be made in writing. Please apply to the Clerk for a standard application form.

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